John Muir's younger brother recalls their boyhood.

Letter to James Whitehead on John Muir's youth.

This 2-page letter by John Muir's younger brother David was written to James Whitehead, who had been a childhood friend of both. In it he recalls their youth, regrets the harsh portrayal of it in The Story of My Boyhood and Youth, explains why Muir wanted to portray his father's generation the way he did, and gives details about Muir's death and estate.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
The Progressive Era
19th-Century Immigration
The Conservation Movement
Creator: Muir, David Gilrye.
Pub Data: Original manuscript in the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives (Neb Mss A, box 1 folder 1)
Citation: Muir, David Gilrye. Letter, Jan. 31, 1915, to James Whitehead on John Muir's youth. Original manuscript in the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives. Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/16/2024